Thursday, February 24, 2011

Many sabahan rejected:UPKO

This interesting topic i found it when I looking daily express  on teusday,22 nd february,2011.What can i say here,I really appreciate the UPKO effort for all sabahan position in their own state.The main points in that news:

-Many Sabahans had applied for KPLI attended the interview were rejected

- Commenting on Deputy Education Minister Datuk.Mohd Puad Zakrasihi- Government will        continue to send techers from peninsula To Sabah and Sarawak until the two states have enough teachers of their own to meet the need.

- UPKO called on all the unsuccessful applicants to submit their rejection letters either by way of fax or by the UPKO website,

-The letters will be forward to Dr Mohd Fuad as  a memorandum

- Consider 578 GSTT with the continues contract and train them.

- The unbalance allowance with local teacher and Peninsula never resolved.

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